Navigating the Data Revolution: Insights from a Data Management Pioneer

Kateřina Kolářová
Account & Delivery Manager
minutes to read
August 2, 2023
Data Management
Big Data
Data Governance
Business Intelligence

Data management has experienced a remarkable boom. Once a relatively obscure concept, it has now essentially become a buzzword. It’s widely recognized that data collection is crucial. However, that alone is not enough. The Czech company UD4D (Use Data for Decisions) understands this reality intimately. Its founder, Michal Ventruba, has been following the evolution of data processing approaches since the early 1990s. A decade ago, he established his own company with the goal of assisting others in using their data both effectively and sustainably.

While building a data warehouse in the 90s came with a hefty price tag, today’s data solutions are far more accessible. Costs of systems have dropped, automation has sped up both development and maintenance, and the advent of cloud technology has lowered the barriers to entry.

Ventruba notes: “This ease of access has led to a paradox. We are now inundated with data, much of which is merely noise. Over the past two to three years, medium and large-sized companies have come to realize that they are drowning in their own data and struggling to sift through it — a realization that can pose significant challenges.”

Uncontrolled data collection leads to chaos, costing significant amounts of money

When UD4D started in 2013, companies were collecting data but had little idea of how to work with it. “I came from a financial background where we had developed a comprehensive information management environment” Ventruba recalls. “We had won the Gartner BI Excellence Award, and my goal was to leverage that experience and share it. But the reality was a stark contrast. Many companies were poorly equipped to handle their data. There was a misconception among management that pouring money into complex systems was enough, whereas, in fact, it requires continuous effort and work also in the area of processes and organization, in fact, change of overall culture.”

In recent years, there’s been a positive uptick in data literacy. While the GDPR has been a significant catalyst, it’s about more than just that. Companies are coming to terms with the fact that uncontrolled data collection leads to chaos, which in turn incurs substantial costs. “It’s critical to establish processes, consolidate data flows, and delineate responsibilities that ensure the quality, security, and legal compliance of the data. This isn’t just a task for the IT department; it’s a responsibility that involves the entire company,” says Ventruba.

Data allows for deep understanding

The reasons for investing in data management are clear: quality management and utilization of data are fundamental for increasing a company’s value and customer loyalty. Collecting and storing data is just a starting point. “Database systems, data lakes; these all generate a colossal amount of raw data. This data then needs to be processed and utilized to create high-quality information products and services,” observes Ventruba. With such an approach, one can monitor not only consumer behavior but also the lifecycles of customers and products, risks, or operational efficiency. Such insight can lead to increased sales, reduced costs via better resource allocation, and even a reduced environmental impact, as explored by methodologies like Life-cycle Assessment (LCA).

“The ultimate goal — and often the most challenging aspect — of any solution is comprehension,” Ventruba adds. “This applies to both understanding the data itself and knowing how to work with it effectively.” Therefore, he advocates a shift in perspective, treating data management not as a one-off project but as an integral service within a company’s day-to-day operations.

This is the approach to data his company seeks to implement in the organizations it assists. Over the years, the company team of consultants and data experts has supported more than 50 clients across industries. As a pioneer in the field, UD4D has not only established partnerships with tech companies like Wherescape, Snowflake, and Coalesce but also embraced new approaches to data management, such as data mesh and data vault. Now, leveraging a decade’s worth of experience, they are launching their own product, Dawiso. This data platform is designed to simplify data and knowledge management, accelerate the adoption of data governance, and foster data democratization in companies of all sizes.

About UD4D Group:

UD4D, a Czech-based firm, offers specialized consultation and bespoke solutions in the field of information management. Its core focus is on enhancing the effectiveness of BI deliveries, serving both large multinational corporations and growing companies that want to base their development on high-quality data. UD4D has also launched Dawiso, a unique data governance platform. The implementation of Dawiso helps companies boost their data management efficiency by locating and understanding their data within a single platform.

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